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Management System
( E-LMS )
Financial Education
Program for Adults
Financial Awareness
Consumer Training
( FACT )
Financial Education
Training Program
( FETP )
Money Smart
School Program
( MSSP )
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Financial Literacy

Message of the Day

Most of the time we feel that Loan is free money and end up spending without any control.


What We Do

Financial Education Programme for Adults (FEPA)

The Financial Education Programme for Adults (FEPA) was launched by the NCFE in the month of September 2019. FEPA is a Financial Literacy Programme designed and implemented to spread financial awareness among the adult population such as Farmers, Women groups, Asha Workers, Anganwadi Workers, Self Help Groups, Employees of Organization, Skill Development Trainees etc., This programme is conducted in line with the targets of National Strategy for Financial Education and the focus have been given to Special Focused Districts (SFDs). This programme expects to substantially contribute to NCFE’s vision of a “Financially aware and empowered India”.

Financial Education Training Program (FETP)

FETP is an initiative of the NCFE for providing unbiased personal financial education to people and organizations for improving financial literacy in the country. NCFE has been conducting FETP for school-teachers, who are teaching students in classes 6 to 10 across India. The program, based on two pillars; education and awareness, aims to establish a sustainable financial literacy campaign that can empower people’s lives. After completion of the training, these teachers would be certified as ‘Money Smart Teachers’ and would facilitate the conduct of financial education classes in schools and encourage students to obtain basic financial skills.

Financial Awareness and Consumer Training (FACT)

Globally, youth are becoming financial consumers earlier in their lives than ever before and making financial decisions (credit cards, education loans) that can have lasting consequences, if not well managed.

Money Smart School Program (MSSP)

This is an initiative of the NCFE to provide unbiased financial education in schools for improving financial literacy which is an important life skill for the holistic development of each student. The program is based on two pillars; education and awareness and aims to establish a sustainable financial literacy campaign that will empower an entire generation.

National Financial Literacy Assessment Test

Financial literacy is a core life skill that focuses on knowledge, behaviour and attitude required to make responsible money management decisions. In 2005, the OECD recommended that financial education start as early as possible and be taught in schools.

Financial literacy is a core life skill that focuses on knowledge, behavior and attitude required to make responsible money management
decisions. In 2005, the OECD recommended that financial education start as early as possible and be taught in schools.

Start Learning Free

E-Learning Management System

The E-learning Course is offered free of charge to all the registered users. This course will give users a solid knowledge base on disseminating financial literacy, which helps to address demand-side barriers as this makes customers informed and enables better financial decision making and ultimately financial wellbeing.

Start Learning Free

E-Learning Management System

The E-learning Course is offered free of charge to all the registered users. This course will give users a solid knowledge base on disseminating financial literacy, which helps to address demand-side barriers as this makes customers informed and enables better financial decision making and ultimately financial wellbeing.










To create financial awareness which will generate confidence in the financially excluded sections of the society to use the financial services and products more effectively thereby bringing more people to the formal financial sector

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A program specifically designed to provide financial education to young graduates and postgraduates. This program covers topics relevant to this demographic, aiming to positively impact their financial well-being.

Institutes Registered
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The foremost benefit for schools implementing the Money Smart School program is that their students after becoming financially literate will be better equipped to deal with today’s complex financial products and services and exhibit prudent behaviour and attitude when it comes to managing their own money.

Schools Registered
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FETP is specifically designed for school teachers handling classes 6 to 10 throughout India. The program is built on two foundational pillars: education and awareness, intending to establish a sustainable financial literacy campaign that can positively impact people’s lives.

Teachers Trained
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Financial literacy is a core life skill that focuses on knowledge, behaviour and attitude required to make responsible money management decisions.

Schools Registered
Students Registered
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This course will give users a solid knowledge base on disseminating financial literacy, which helps to address demand-side barriers as this makes customers informed and enables better financial decision making and ultimately financial wellbeing.

Student Participated
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Last Date for Submission: July 4, 2024


Last Date for Submission: April 19, 2023


Last Date for Submission: December 20, 2022
