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Mathura Harijan

- Mathura Harijan


Sky is the Limit...

Mathura Harijan, is a school teacher who stays in Nandahandi Block of Nabarangpur District, Odisha. He attended the financial education workshop conducted by NCFE resource person. The programme was specially conducted in local language so as to make the local tribal people understand more about financial education and government schemes in financial sector. After attending the programme, he became aware of various financial products for himself and his family.

He writes “After learning the importance of savings account, I have opened Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) not only for my children but also some children in my school. Additionally, Ihave encouraged the family members of such students to open savings account in nearby pst office. I have also enrolled for PMJJBY and PMSBY schemes through the post office in my village and suggesting the same for my colleagues. I have started a SIP of Rs.500 in mutual fund scheme after learning the power of compounding. My colleagues were very happy after knowing the power of compounding especially the Rule of 72.

I have personally informed many in my area to go to Banks and Post Offices for subscribing government schemes such as PMSBY, PMJJBY etc. to more financially secure.

I want more such programmes to be conducted by NCFE in my area and school to promote financial literacy. As I have gained immense knowledge from the workshop, I want that the concepts of NCFE’s financial literacy programs should reach all the people in the country especially the uneducated and poor people by which they can know how to save and invest their hard earning income.

I have sincerely appealed to my school colleagues to refer Financial Education handbooks developed by NCFE to understand basic financial concepts. The teachers have appreciated the efforts of NCFE in bringing out such a comprehensive book on basic financial education and that too in regional language. All thanks to NCFE for their untiring efforts to promote financial education throughout the country.”

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